Hi Floyd,

I think this was a great article. I think you and I are neighbors at 1 Powder mill Square. Your reference to "The No parts of the paper mill survive, but mill buildings on the site dating as far back as the 1830's remain, repurposed as apartment complexes."

Do you know if the gunpowder and paper mills were located at what is now 4 Powder Mill Square or were they further up or down river?

I'd like to learn more about "our neighborhood" if you have a chamce to talk.

Mark Kaluzny

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Hi Mark,

Thanks for reading! I believe the gunpowder and paper mills were located a little bit downstream from 4 Powder Mill Square, but upstream of the Route 28 bridge. Sarah Bailey wrote "[The gunpowder mill] stood north of the present Marland Mills, on the same side of the Shawshin River." (p. 580). Paper manufacturing began within the gunpowder mill in 1789, until separate buildings were constructed on the site.

And yes, I do believe we are neighbors! I'd be happy to chat more if you'd like. You can reach me at floydgreenwood4@gmail.com or 978-655-0430.


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