Aug 16, 2022Liked by Elaine Clements

Note should also be made of the dance pavillion on Pole Hill in Ballardvale as well as the picnic area and canoe rental place off Lowell Junction Road, also in Ballardvale, which actually had a trolly track to it from Andover center.

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I do love the "motor lunch" with its thermos of tea! I must say I theoretically love picnics, but have an utter terror of wasps, which seem to sense my fear, and home in on it. Thanks for the lovely imagery of picnics that didn't stint on hearty foods.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Elaine Clements

Although I didn't grow up in Andover, my neighborhood in Cedar Rapids, Iowa would have family picnics in a nearby park where everyone brought food and drinks to share with each other. The kids would play on swings and other playground equipment while the parents would set up and socialize. Of course it was the moms that planned and organized the events!!! We all had fun...no romance that I know of!

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